Wednesday 24 April 2013

EU lifts sanctions against Myanmar except for arms

EU lifts sanctions against Myanmar except for arms

The European Union has lifted all sanctions against Myanmar, apart from an arms embargo, the EU announced during a foreign ministers' meeting yesterday.

The sanctions, including trade, economic and travel ban on certain individuals, had been lifted in response to the ongoing political reform, Myanmar government said.

The meeting, howeve,r said an arms embargo would stay in place.

President Thein Sein's spokesman Ye Htut wrote on his Facebook page that the decision was unanimously made to lift the sanctions.

Ye Htut, also deputy information minister, quoted the EU statement as saying, "In response to the changes that have taken place and in the expectation that they will continue, the Council (of ministers) has decided to lift all sanctions.

British Foreign Secretary William Hague said Burma's political progress was substantial enough and serious enough for the temporary lifting of sanctions to be made permanent.

He said support would continue to improve the human rights situation and address issues of ethnic violence in Myanmar, Ye Htut wrote on his Facebook page.

As a first step of easing the sanctions, the EU in January lifted a visa ban on Myanmar government top officials, including the president.


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