Friday 26 April 2013

Nargis- affected Pyinsalu face drinking water shortage

Nargis- affected Pyinsalu face drinking water shortage

Neighbouring villages from Pyinsalu sub-township in Latputta Township, Ayeyawady Region, are now facing shortage of drinking water.

Pyinsalu, which is one of the Nargis-affected areas, have to rely on water storage lakes for their drinking water.

This summer is hotter than the previous years. So, the drinking water ponds become dry. Over 800 households are now facing scarcity of water.

"The authorities allow the local people to carry two pots of water from drinking water pond for each household. Now, there is no water left in the pond. The other villages don't want to share water because they even have not enough water. We have already dug the artesian wells but in vain," a local Moe Thandar from Konegyi village said.

"Last year, the local people suffered the cholera because they drunk unpurified drinking water due to the water shortage. So, we provided them. The drinking water pond in Pyinsalu Monastery is not sufficient enough for local people to carry water. This lake is not clean and it becomes very worse because this summer is hotter than the previous," Aung Moe Win from Latputta Township Health Care Organization said.


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