Wednesday 26 June 2013

Monks warn of possible return to military rule

Monks warn of possible return to military rule

By Cherry Thein   |   Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Monks who coordinated the 2007 protests have issued a statement saying they are concerned that recent internal unrest will result in a return to military rule.

In the June 10 statement, the monks said they wanted to warn the public that "problem makers" were seeking to create unrest to bring back a military government.

The release said this unidentified group created religious and racial conflict in Rakhine State, which spread to Lashio in northern Shan State last month. The conflict has also seen Myanmar workers in Malaysia killed.

U Thein Sein's government remains weak, the statement said, and the hluttaw should impose laws that protect people regardless of race and religion.

Members of the network of monks are "anxious" that U Thein Sein's government might be toppled by the military as U Nu's was in 1962.

They requested all citizens "be alert, and share true information and loving kindness in public regardless of race or religion". It stressed the need to "work together for harmonious coexistance to stop the conflict".

"We worked to resolve a series of problems, starting with the Thaketa case [and in] Meiktila, Okkan and Lashio. We found that people of all faiths have no urge to seek revenge – they are being [misled] by rumours," said the Venerable U Pyanna Wontha, who is a member of the network that released the statement.


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