Saturday 1 June 2013

Myanmar’s Rakhine parties to meet face to face for coalition next month

Myanmar's Rakhine parties to meet face to face for coalition next month

Two Rakhine parties will meet face to face on June 15 for a two-party coalition, said Dr. Aye Maung, the chairman of Rakhine Nationalities Development Party (RNDP).

RNDP will meet with Rakhine League for Democracy (RLDP) on that day for the possible coalition.

"We will discuss the matter in front of the third party which will support as a mediator. The place and the mediator for the meeting will be decided soon in early June. And then we will invite them for the meeting without any strict rules laid down in advance," Dr. Aye told Eleven Media daily on May 29.

Central committee meeting held by the RNDP on May 28-29 in Ann Township, Rakhine State had made a decision for the meeting.

The meeting was attended by more than 60 party members who are also the members of the committee which was formed last June by the party at a party conference.

RNDP is one of the two parties in Myanmar's western state of Rakhine, which won the 2010 election while RLDP failed this time though it was a major winning party of the state in the 1990 election.

The third party will be chosen from Rakhine associations such as Rakhine Literature and Cultural Association, Rakhine Buddhist Monks Society, and other Rakhine organizations, he added.

RLDP also formed a special coalition committee with five executive members and its leader Aye Tha Aung wanted the coalition as well.

"We will ask our legal advisors concerning our proposals to submit to the parliament for the amendment of 2008 Constitution. We will also release a statement soon against the Proportional Representation (PR) System which is not appropriate for the time being," Dr. Aye said.

Other ethnic parties are also on their way for a coalition and two Chin parties have already agreed for a two-party coalition.

Myanmar's parliament will discuss hot issues such as the amendment of 2008 Constitution and the PR system to practice in 2015 Elections this June.


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