Monday, 24 June 2013

Tribute paid at Ludu Sein Win funeral

Published on Monday, 25 June 2012 05:31


The funeral service of veteran journalist Ludu U Sein Win who passed away on 17 June 2012 was held at Yayway Cemetery in North Okkalapa Township at 2 pm on 19 June.

Saya Ludu Sein Win, aged 72, was hospitalized at Shwegondaing Hospital for medical treatment for his poor health condition at 10 a.m. on 17 June, but passed away at 11.30 p.m. in the evening.

The funeral service was attended by many people from the respective fields of media, politics and literature and arts as well as young readers. The remains was laid together with the placard of Saya Gyi Dagon Taryar saying regretful words, "Loss of a journalist precious for Myanmar, who stands by the truth for the country, who contributes much towards the country has been an emotional upset for the country and for the people". In front of the body, along with the photograph of Ludu U Sein Win, memorable wreathes sent from the bereaved family, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, political parties, media, literature and arts associations and social organizations were seen at the funeral service.

The large room where the remains rest was packed with the people paying respects to late Ludu U Sein Win.

Before the cremation of the body, those present remained one minute's silence to mark to express regret and then U Win Tin (Hanthawadi) and 88 generation students' leader Ko Min Ko Naing spoke words of condolences.

Born on 13 August 1940 in Mandalay, he studied at the Lafon Memorial High School in Mandalay, the Mandalay University and the Yangon University. In 1964, he started working as a journalist for Ludu newspaper, which faced closure in 1967. He and five editors were arrested. After being sentenced to 13 years' imprisonment, he was sent to Coco Island, where political prisoners were kept. In 1971, he was brought back to Insein Prison. Soon after coming out of prison in 1976, he served four years again. After three years of being kept isolated in Insein Prison, he suffered a stroke. He was released in 1980. The stroke left the right part of his body unable to move, forcing him to practice writing with his left hand so that he could continue his career. Later, he offered spoken English classes in his house and wrote articles too. He assumed 15 pseudonyms, of which Win Zaw was the most well-known.

In 1964, he translated two books on foreign literature into Myanmar and then translated and published a book on foreign literature with a penname of Win Zaw and became the most prominent book in 1965. He translated and published a book on foreign literature in 1966.

A book on compiled articles and other books appeared in 1998 and after 1999. In 2003, a book on journalism was circulated.

In the world of present Myanmar literature, he was famous as the most prolific author. He always stressed that political consciousness was the name of the game in every sphere. His literary works were touched with his political stand. In addition, he never hesitated about wrong concepts of Myanma politics and social issues by exercising the journalistic code of practice.



On the demise of veteran journalist Saya Gyi Ludu U Sein Win, aged 72, who passed away at 11:30 p.m. at Yangon Shwegondine Hospital on 17 June 2012, the Eleven Media Group shared the deep sorrow with the bereaved family members.

Eleven Media Group Source:

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