17 Jul 2013 12:19
Written by Cho Ko
Category: Trade

The draft telecommunications bill that will soon be presented to the lower house will include a provision allowing the free import of communication devices exempt from Myanmar's standard licensing scheme, Myanmar Computer Federation executive committee member Zaw Min Oo today told Mizzima.
Under the current telecoms law, importing telecoms devices and equipment required an import license issued by the Telecommunications Department. Zaw Min Oo added that equipment importers will also be able to bypass obtaining trade licenses issued by Myanmar's Trade Department under the new draft law.
"Under the current law, importing without the proper license is a punishable offense, but now this provision has been deleted in the draft law. Merchants who have a trading license can import telecoms devices and equipment as soon as the Trade Department clears their application," Zaw Min Oo said.
Mobile handsets are commonly imported into the domestic market illegally without licenses. Under the draft law, mobile shop owners can look forward to providing warranties and service on legally imported stock.
"The price of mobile handsets will also fall as the market saturates with legal imports," said Kaung Sett, a Samsung handset agent and dealer.
The Union Parliament accepted input on the draft law from July 12 to 15 through the establishment of a temporary affairs committee.
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