Wednesday 10 July 2013

India assures Myanmar of sharing outcome of Bodh Gaya probe

India on Monday assured Myanmar that Bodh Gaya "remains a place of peace and pilgrimage" and that it would share the outcome of investigations into the serial bombings that hit the Buddhist pilgrimage centre.

This was conveyed by visiting Indian Foreign Secretary Ranjan Mathai, who called on Myanmar Foreign Minister U Wunna Maung Lwin in Nay Pyi Taw. Mathai also assured the minister that one of the injured pilgrims, a Myanmarese national, is not in danger and was being taken care of, said an official source.

The issue of the Bodh Gaya terror attack came up during the course of the meeting when the "issue of injury to a pilgrim from Myanmar in the attack in Bodh Gaya was discussed", said an official source.

The Myanmar foreign minister condemned the terror attack on the Bodh Gaya temple complex "and the net of terrorism". "It was agreed that this underlines the need for greater cooperation in the field of security," the source added.

Mathai, who is in Myanmar for regular Foreign Office Consultations, also called on pro-democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi who expressed shock at the serial bombings that shattered the peace in the temple complex early Sunday and left two people injured.

"She was reassured that Bodh Gaya remains a place of peace and pilgrimage and expressed her happiness at this."

"As part of India's engagement with all sections of Myanmar society, the Indian foreign secretary also met with the Commander in Chief of the armed forces, Senior Gen. Min Aung Hlaing and exchanged views on bilateral cooperation," the source added.


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