Thursday 11 July 2013

Late Shan leader to be honored

A statue is to be dedicated to the small building, on the Thai-Burmese border where Gen Gawng Zerng passed away, in a ceremony held in his honor tomorrow, 11 July 2013, the 22nd anniversary of his passing away, according to his son.

Gawn Zerng (1926-1991) also known as Mo Heng, together with Sao Noi (1927-1996) of Noom Seuk Harn, Nga Kham (1928-1964) of Shan National Army (SNA) and Chao Tzang Yanghwe (1939-2004) have been some of the most respected and loved resistance leaders.

He had set up his base in Piangluang, Wiang Haeng district, Chiangmai province, during the Cold War, but moved his headquarters across the border in Pang Maisoong following détente with China.

He died of cancer in 1991 and his tomb has been set up by his followers on the border near Fa Wiang Inn temple consecrated by him in 1968.

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