Wednesday 10 July 2013

Ministry of Foreign Affairs briefs diplomats on Rakhine

Ministry of Foreign Affairs briefs diplomats on Rakhine

Myanmar's Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a press conference in Yangon on Tuesday to address the current situation in the western state of Rakhine.

Foreign ambassadors, diplomats, officials from United Nations and government deputy ministers also attended the conference.

"On July 7 Vice-President Sai Mauk Kham, Union Ministers and diplomats toured Rakhine State. There they visited Maungtaw, Meybon and Pauktaw regions to witness rehabilitation works as well as construction of long shelters, to end communal violence and continue assistance in health and education sectors," explained Thant Kyaw, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs.

Union Minister Aye Myint also briefed the conference on the supply and distribution of paddy seeds and fertilisers and the conducting of agricultural training courses, adding that fishing boats and various kinds of fishing nets have also been distributed to fishermen.

Concerning education, Minister Aye Myint said that the Ministry of Education is cooperating with UN agencies to build schools.

"In Rakhine State, 33 schools are to be constructed. Among them, 26 will be built by the UNICEF and the rest by the Ministry of Education. Among the Bengalis, those want to be teachers are given training and appointed as teachers," said the minister.

According to a news release, the Foreign Affairs Ministry say it is reviewing incidents that occurred in Rakhine state and denied that the incidents of violence that erupted in 2012 had to do with religious persecution.

In order to prevent further clashes over 5000 police forces, 1200 from the border and immigration forces and Armed forces are cooperating to provide security.


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