Tuesday 2 July 2013

Religious leaders call for end to interreligious conflict in Burma

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Religious leaders call for end to interreligious conflict in Burma

CWN - July 02, 2013

From Our Store: Essays in Apologetics, Volume I (eBook)

Archbishop Charles Maung Bo of Yangon, the largest city in Myanmar (Burma), joined Buddhist, Muslim, and other religious leaders in calling for an end to interreligious conflict there.

Buddhist-Muslim violence has escalated in recent months.

"We note with dismay that the recent interreligious conflict, resulting in large-scale destruction of property, the death of hundreds of innocent men and women, and the displacement of thousands of people, is a sad event for our culture, known for its deep spiritual richness and the joy of its people," the religious leaders said in their joint statement, which was issued following a meeting hosted by the US ambassador.

"No religion teaches hatred," the statement continued, and believers should "avoid hate speech against members of other religions."

The nation of 55 million is 89% Buddhist, 4% Muslim, 3% Protestant, and 1% Catholic.

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