Thursday 10 October 2013

Govt begins highest level talks with KIO

Govt begins highest level talks with KIO

Daily Oct10 ZYH KIO

Union level peace talk between Union Peacemaking Work Committee and KIO in Myitkyina, Kachin State

Union level peace talks between Myanmar's government and the ethnic Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) began in Myitkyina, Kachin State, yesterday.

The two sides discussed the possibility of implementing the results of talks that took place in May and the formation of a joint monitoring committee (JMC) to help avoid further clashes. The first-day discussion, however, did not include military or peace issues.

Only four out of seven items on the meeting agenda could reportedly be discussed, as the talks did not begin until 11 a.m.

Present at the talks were Aung Min, Union Minister of the President's Office and Vice-Chairman of the Union Peacemaking Work Committee, Lieutenant General Myint Soe and military officials from the Ministry of Defence, and union ministers. The KIO's delegation was comprised of eight officials including KIO Chairman Hswan Lut Gam and Major General Gwan Maw, vice chief of staff of the Kachin Independence Army.

UN Special Envoy Vijay Nambiar, the Chinese ambassador to Myanmar, and representatives from 10 ethnic armed groups and political parties also attended the talks as observers.

"Ceasefire is the beginning of political dialogue. Only through peace talks can we see equal rights, autonomy, a federal system, constitutional amendments and resource sharing as aspired by the national races," said Minister Aung Min, in his opening remarks.

"The most important thing is for all of us to attend such talks. But that can happen only when peace prevails in the country."

KIO leader Hswan Lut Gam called for all-inclusive participation in the peace process.

"We saw much progress in the previous talks. We have met with the government 15 times, including four informal talks. The KIO has always wished to see a meaningful peace dialogue. Here, I would like to urge all parties to participate in the effort to stop war, establish a genuine union and military under a federal system, and ensure the emergence of a constitution under this federal system, with equal rights for all the national races."

It was a closed-door meeting when the talks began, with the media excused from the meeting room.

"Both the government and KIO talked about progress after the May 30 talks. They said they had avoided clashes and have opened Myitkyina-Bhamo and Myintkyina-Putao roads," said Khun Aung from the Peace Creation Group.
"The KIO side talked about the establishment of a joint monitoring committee, one of the seven points agreed to in the May talks. As the government officials did not know about it in detail, both sides will discuss it tomorrow morning."

Phawa Duwa Zaw Gam, who attended the talks, said the Kachin people had suffered a lot but added that a solution must be sought gradually through talks.


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