Wednesday 9 October 2013

Kachin refugees welcome KIO peace delegation

Kachin refugees welcome KIO peace delegation



Locals welcomed KIA peace delegation group to attend the 7 October peace talks.

Around two thousand Kachin locals welcomed a peace delegation led by the Kachin Independence Organisation (KIO) in Waimaw, Myintkyina. They were also welcomed by U.N special envoy Vijay Nambia and some members of the Myanmar Police Force.

Many were residents from nearby refugee camps. Many wore the clothes with KIA symbols and carried KIA flags and sung freedom songs, traditional songs and chanted welcoming slogans.

"We are here for only the purpose of getting a ceasefire agreement as quick as we can. We have no intention for ethnic politics. If the clashes happen again, people like me who cannot do more than we can for the world may come out more. There are also chances of increasing number of disabled," said Jizone Saung, chairman of a disabled organisation who was among those welcoming groups.

Thousands of Kachin people welcomed the KIO/KIA peace delegation when previous peace talks were held in May.

"The nationwide ceasefire agreement is concerned with all armed groups said Major General Gwan Maw from the Kachin Independence Army, armed wing of the KIO, when he arrived Myitkyina on October 7.

"These peace talks will give many assistance to future peace discussion. Though the peace talks couldn't happen this time, many good prospects will obtain. Today's peace talk is important to the KIO but it is not the final one," said the general.


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