Sunday, 20 April 2014

Foreign investment in Myanmar totalling over US$46 billion

Foreign investment in Myanmar totalling over US$46 billion


Hotel project invested by Vietnam (Photo - EMG)

Myanmar recorded US$4.1 billion in foreign investment for fiscal year 2013-2014, tallying the total investment from 34 countries to US$46 billion, according to Directorate of Investment and Companies Administration.

The number of countries invested in Myanmar increased by two from 32 in the previous fiscal year. Some 50,571 jobs were created by December due to the inflow of foreign capital.

Foreign investment projects include energy, petroleum and natural gas, commodities, mineral extraction, hotel and tourism, property development, livestock, fisheries and agriculture.

Last year saw a steady flow of investment being channelled to the production of commodities, said the Myanmar Investment Commission.

China ranks first with more than US$14 billion in investment, followed by Thailand (US$10 billion) and Hong Kong (US$6 billion).


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