Thursday 29 May 2014

Five beaten over Pyin Oo Lwin land dispute

Five beaten over Pyin Oo Lwin land dispute

By Si Thu Lwin   |   Wednesday, 28 May 2014


FOUR men from Pyin Oo Lwin are recovering in hospital after they and another person were beaten and tied up in an attack that police believe is linked to a land dispute in the area.

Five residents from Pyin Oo Lwin's Htone Bo village received a phone call asking to meet to discuss the land dispute at 10am on May 26. They agreed to meet at a house in the village but were then asked to go to a nearby coffee plantation, after which they were set upon by nine men.

Police have arrested three men in connection with the incident.

"After we arrived they beat us with sticks and hit us again after they tied us with rope to a pillar," said village farm association head U Nyunt Swe. While they were beating them, the men spoke on the phone to another individual, who police say may have coordinated the attack.

"I received injuries all over my body," said resident U Soe Myint. "We will resolve this through the legal system and ensure those nine people and the organiser are brought to justice."

The head of the Htone Bo village administration office said three people were arrested near the house where the beatings took place.

"They said they are from Yangon's Thingangyun Township. We asked who had put them up to this and they said it was a woman. We have handed them over to the police," administrator U Kyaw Lin said.

Constable Than Htike from Wetwun Police Station said he was confident that the attack was related to a local land dispute. "We are now conducting our investigation and have opened a case against nine defendants," he said.

The nine individuals have each been charged with four offences. – Translation by Khant Lin Oo




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