Wednesday 28 May 2014

Myanmar resumes parliament sessions to discuss more bills

YANGON, May 28 (Xinhua) -- Myanmar's parliament reconvened its sessions including that of House of Representatives (Lower House) and the House of Nationalities (Upper House) in Nay Pyi Taw Wednesday, according to parliament sources.

Over 50 more bills will be prioritized to be discussed in the 10th parliament sessions.

Along with the parliament sessions, the parliament's Committee for Implementation of 2008 Constitution Amendment also held their meetings daily to deal with amendment of the constitution, especially section-436 and section- 59 (f).

The section-436 prescribes that constitution amendment need the approval of more than 75 percent or three-fourth of all parliament members (MPs).

The committee has proposed to revise the percentage as 66 percent or two third so as to enable the possibility of the amendment by the parliament.

The section-59(f) mainly blocks opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi from taking part in presidential run for being married to a foreigner.

During its last ninth session which lasted from January to March, the parliament passed 21 laws which mainly include 2014-15 national planning bill, 2014 union budget bill, 2014 union taxation bill, Myanmar National Human Rights Commission bill, development fund bill, printing and publishing enterprise law, media law, bills amending income tax and commercial tax laws and bill amending the electronic and communication law and special economic zone law.

Since its first session in 2011 of the present five-year term of the parliament, it has approved a total of 98 laws up to present.


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