Thursday 29 May 2014

Thais used to military coups, but that's no guarantee of success

Full Comment's Araminta Wordsworth brings you a daily round-up of quality punditry from across the globe.  Today: They are used to military rule in Burma, where the junta went by the unfortunate name of SLORC — for State Law Order Restoration Council.

So you know things must be really bad in Thailand, when Burmese journalists are calling on the new army dictator, Gen. Prayuth Chan-choa to lighten up. The outfit he heads, by the way, has a similarly Orwellian-sounding name, the National Peace Order Maintaining Council.

The general and his allies are crushing dissent by the usual means: banning all gatherings and locking up anyone who might oppose them — starting with politicians and academics, but including journalists who don't ask the right questions or are insufficiently deferential.

Wassana Nanuam of the Bangkok Post and her counterpart from the Thai-language newspaper Thai Rath were summoned to Coup Headquarters for a dressing down.

Wassana had repeatedly asked Gen. Prayuth for a time-frame before a general election would be held, and whether the general intended to become prime minister. [He] largely evaded the question about the prime minister's job, and said the time-frame prior to a new election could be "indefinite."

At Coup HQ, a senior aide to Prayuth told the reporters in a 45-minute meeting that the coup leader was unhappy with the "forceful and aggressive" manner of their questioning. He told then such questioning could affect confidence in Prayuth's leadership. "The press should cheer him on," the military aide said.

It's Thailand's second military coup in eight years — and the 12th since the absolute monarchy was abandoned in 1932. While it is true democracy has failed to produce a civilian administration that can govern or bring stability, it's also doubtful the army can fix the problems, notes the Japan Times in an editorial.

As in 2006, when then Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra was ousted by a coup, the military wrote a new constitution — the one that was discarded last week. But its political backers, the opponents of Shinawatra, lost the next election and every election since.

The problem in Thailand is not Shinawatra. It is what he stands for: a newly empowered population that demands a say in how the country is run. Rather than honour that demand, as any democracy worthy of the name should, the entrenched interests in Thailand have fought back, using control of instruments of power and authority, most notably the courts, to undermine the Shinawatra governments.

The result is mounting frustration on both sides, as popularly elected governments fall and the opposition fails to seize and hold power.

Then there's the economy, which was already struggling before the military intervention. Thailand depends heavily on tourists and foreign investors, both of whom are being spooked by the coup, says William Pesek at Bloomberg News.

The junta is dangerously mistaken if it thinks it can run a complex and unbalanced $366-billion economy and placate foreign investors while rounding up professors and banning TV stations in the age of the Internet, smartphones and high-frequency trading. Investors who provide capital and multinational companies that create jobs in Thailand don't want to see shows of strength — they want certainty. If they think Thailand will remain a stable and prosperous place, they will stay. Instead the junta is giving foreign businesses all too many incentives to look elsewhere.

Although Thailand is a bitterly divided nation, many of its 67 million people are beginning to agree on one thing: this coup was completely gratuitous.

The coup has led to something of a role reversal, notes the Burmese newsmagazine The Irrawaddy, which was founded by former Burmese activists and operates (at present) from Chiang Mai, northern Thailand.

The Myanmar Journalists Networks  and the Myanmar Journalist Association have both issued statements calling for the release of journalists detained in neighbouring Thailand following a military coup.

The statements mark a reversal of recent history. In the past, Thailand's media has enjoyed a high level of freedom, while Burma was for decades under a strict censorship regime, with some media outlets covering the country from Thailand. However, since the government of Thein Sein took power in 2011, censorship has been abandoned and private daily newspapers have been allowed to publish in Burma.


compiled by Araminta Wordsworth



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