Sunday 18 November 2012

Suu Kyi speaks out on Rakhine issue

Suu Kyi speaks out on Rakhine issue




National League for Democracy chairperson Aung San Suu Kyi spoke about Myanmar's impartiality on the Rakhine issue when interviewed by New Delhi Television during her visit to India.

Speaking about the criticism for not being on the side of the (Rohingya) Bengalis, Suu Kyi said: "Don't forget the fact that the violence has been committed by both sides. I prefer not to take sides and also I want to work towards a reconciliation between these two communities," she said.

"There's a lot of illegal crossing of the border still going on that they have got to put a stop to, otherwise there will not be an end to the problem, because Bangladesh will say all these people have come over from Burma and the Burmese say all these people have come over from Bangladesh," she added.

"This is a huge international tragedy and this is why I keep saying that the government must have a policy about the citizenship laws. We do have a citizenship law and all those who are entitled to citizenship under the law must be given citizenship. We have said this very clearly,"



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