Alexander BesantJune 14, 2013 20:03
As Burma continues to expand political and economic reforms, mobile providers are scrambling to win their share of the market.
Burma may be one of the last frontiers for mobile phones.
As Burma continues to expand political and economic reforms, mobile providers are scrambling to win their share of the market.
On June 27, the government will auction off two wireless licenses to about a dozen international companies that entered bids earlier this month.
It is believed that fewer than 10 percent of people in Burma - a country of around 50 million people - own a cellphone, making it Asia's largest untapped market for mobile communications.
The government is hoping to increase cellphone usage to 75 to 80 percent by 2016 despite needing about $50 billion in infrastracture to handle the increased load.
More from GlobalPost: Journalists challenged to push Myanmar's reforms further
Until recently, internet access in Burma cost thousands of dollars due to a government monopoly and mobile phones were also expensive and rare.
The high price meant that the country mostly remained offline and isolated from the rapidly expanding Asian market.
After the internet was set-up in Burma in 2000, the government kept tight control using censorship, which has been signficantly reduced with recent reforms.
Internet cafes have begun to flourish in major cities but home use remains limited.
That said, Burma was still listed as an "Internet enemy" in 2011 by Reporters Without Borders.
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Featured Slideshow
Art Basel gathers works from around the world for its annual shows.
Jaume Plensa's "Tel Aviv Man" at Art Basel, the world's premier trade fair for leading galleries and collectors focused on modern and contemporary art.
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The front of the Art Basel building. This year's show attracted 303 of the world's top galleries from 36 countries, showing the works of more than 2,500 artists. It drew more than 62,000 visitors, a new record.
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Platform Gallery's Chen Wei and one of his "Recovery Room" series at Liste Young Artist's show. By the time the week was over he had sold more than 10 works, with prices ranging from $1,800 to nearly $3,000.
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A performance spectator admires some of the pieces at Basel Art.
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A performance piece at Basel Scope, done by an unidentified nearly naked man who moved in slow motion up and down the aisles dressed like a Greek version of Mars, the god of war.
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A performance piece at Scope. The man clutched a staff, on which a plastic container for motor oil with the BP logo was impaled.
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An installation piece at Basel Art.
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An installation piece with paper tubes at Basel Art.
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A gallery scene at the Scope Basel show.
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A sculpture of Sperone Westwater Gallery's employee, Michael Short, by Evan Penny.
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Evan Penny's sculpture of Michael Short.
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A woman views Jaume Plensa's "Tel Aviv Man," (Study) 2010, Galerie Lelong, Paris.
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"Medusa marinara," 1997 — a photographic representation of the Medusa in spaghetti and tomato sauce by New York-based Brazilian artist, Vic Muniz.
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Children play around Ai Weiwei's piece, "Field," 2010.
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Heimo Sobernig's "Black Cube" sits on display outside outside.
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A piece by Yayoi Kusama titled "Pumkin."
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