Monday 17 June 2013

Investigation of land seizures being conducted in Mon State

Khitar Non — Mon State's Land Seizures Inquiry Commission Group 9 started investigations on June 10 into land confiscated in Moulmein and Ye townships during the military regime era, according to Mi Myit Myit Than, a member of the commission's branch 9.

An investigation into land grabbing in Mon State

An investigation into land grabbing in Mon State

"The case of land seizure committed by Infantry Battalion (IB) 31 in Kawzer Town (Ye Township) remains unresolved. The land owners have their property documents, but the IB 31 doesn't want to accept it. They (the IB No. 31) asked why the land owners didn't show their documents when they took the lands, and only showed them now?" said Mi Myint Myint Than.

In 2000 the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) confiscated about 200 acres of farmland from Kawzar Town residents to construct a new base for IB 31. The military forced the land owners to accept compensation of 100 Kyat per acre.

"The land lost owners want to be compensated for the current value (of the land). The owners can also prove their land property document," Mi Myint Myint Than said.

Presently it's looking into about 700 acres of land seized in Ye Township. Although the Commission has already solved some cases of land confiscation in Kawzer Sub-township, which falls under villages in Kawzer Town, many cases are still ongoing.

The commission is also investigating land taken away by the Light Infantry Battalion 587 and 343 for their bases in Ye Township and land confiscated by local administers for an administration office in Lamine sub-township.

Mon State's Land Seizures Inquiry Commission Group 9 is headed by Chief U Htay Win. The other members include Daw Nan Say Aor, Mi Myint Myint Than, and Sai Than Naing.

About 1,985 acres of land were seized in Mon State, according to a report issued by the commission last January. After the investigation is completed the findings of the land-seizure cases will be submitted to parliament.

The Farmland Investigation Commission was formed by parliament in August 2012. The commission that is made up 60 members was divided into sub-commissions like the Land Seizures Inquiry Commission Group 9 for the overseeing of investigations of respective divisions and states in Burma.

The Land Seizures Inquiry Commission Group 9 has already conducted investigations into land-grabbing in southern Mon and Karen states, and Tenasserim Division.


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