Sunday 16 June 2013

Myanmar community leaders in Malaysia call for calm

PETALING JAYA; Myanmar community leaders here have called for calm as tensions remain high in the wake of violent clashes which have led to the deaths of three of their countrymen.

"The violence has to stop and everybody has to calm down," said National League of Democracy (NLD) activist Nyan Lin, who is based here.

Mohd Jaber Subahan, chairman of the Rohingya Ulama Council of Malaysia, also urged all Myanmar nationals - regardless of religion - not to stir up trouble.

"We never had a problem before so why should we have animosity with one another now? We are in someone else's country making a living," he said.

Mohd Jaber acknowledged that there were fights between Myanmar nationals every now and then, but it had nothing to do with religion.

Nyan Lin added that Myanmar nationals were a peace-loving people who could get along with people from any race or religion.

"This mistrust does not benefit anyone," he said.

He said he used to buy groceries from the Selayang wholesale market but was afraid to go there now.

Nyan Lin also said he was saddened by the violence going on in his homeland.

"I don't agree with what's going on there either. Buddhists beliefs do not condone violence," he said.

Violence in various parts of Kuala Lumpur involving Myanmar nationals from May 30 to June 4 has resulted in three deaths so far.

The violence has been linked to recent clashes in Myanmar between Buddhists and Rohingya Muslims in the western state of Rakhine.


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