Sunday 23 June 2013

Online campaign waging against TIME magazine's use of "Buddhist Terror"

Online campaign waging against TIME magazine's use of "Buddhist Terror"

An online community campaign is waging against the use of "Buddhist Terror" in the cover story of the July issue of TIME magazine.

The campaign by is collecting signatures for a petition and has requested a total of 50,000 signatures within 48 hours from the supporters at the link:

The petition says, "We're requesting to re-evaluate the title of TIME magazine's cover story for July issue, "The Face of Buddhist Terror" by Hannah Beech / Meikhtila, Burma, And Pattani, Thailand. I know the incidents happened. I am not a supporter of U Wirathu. Every media wrote against the violent cases. But the combination of these two words "Buddhist" and "Terror" is a very sad thing for every Buddhist. Our religion becomes weaker year after year. Please don't do like that.

"Our Buddhism preaches peace but not terrorism. You're the first user of those words so I really go against it. But those words will cause more tension between Buddhists and Islamists in Myanmar. I believe you'll never create violence. Let's create mindfulness in the society. I think this is not an article. It's a hate speech around the world. I honestly request TIME magazine to avoid using the combination of these two words. Thanks you very much!"


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