Sunday 21 July 2013

Myanmar's authorities seize nearly 70K tons of illegal logs: ministry

Myanmar's authorities seize nearly 70K tons of illegal logs: ministry


Trucks carrying logs near the Myanmar-China border (Photo - EMG)

Myanmar's authorities have seized over 69,600 tons of illegal logs from April 2011 to June this year, according to Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry. 

It's the ministry was responding to a question raised by in the Parliament by MP Aung Kyi for Nyaung Oo Township Constituency on July 18 whether the government has any plan to stop legal and illegal logging in Myanmar's forests to export and to prevent further deforestation.

Aye Myint Maung, the deputy minister for the ministry replied that the government will totally stop timber exports in logs by April 1st next year and cut timber production by 48% coming years. 

He also added that illegal logging and exports caused widespread deforestation in Myanmar's forests mentioning [bad guys] taking advantage of unstable conditions in border areas as one of the main reasons for the deforestation.

Mobile Inspection Teams along the border areas also say most of the illegal logs went to China through 20 illegal routes and most seizures made on these routes.


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