Thursday 15 November 2012

Candid Suu Kyi

The interview with Myanmar's icon of democracy, Aung San Suu Kyi (Nov.13) was outstanding. Her poise is remarkable and her clarity regarding the personal and political concerns of her visit impressive.

It is unfortunate that India did not support her all these years when she was under house arrest. India's support for the President was made even more explicit when the latter visited India in 2010. The interview provided a valuable insight into Suu Kyi's personal dilemmas and feelings.

Her little known connection with The Hindu's political correspondent in New Delhi K. Rangaswamy offers another sweet insight into her life. Ms. Nirupama Subramanian's efforts in covering the situation in the Rakhine region and for conducting a good interview must be complimented.

Ritvik Chaturvedi, New Delhi

Aung San Suu Kyi's statement that in the case of two countries it's people-to-people relationships that are most important is unassailable. Her observation that governments come and go but the peoples of the countries remains is so apt.

If only the neighbouring countries let the people-to-people contacts flourish, this world would be so much better to live in.

Her response to the question whether she would want to be President of Myanmar is straightforward, honest and sincere. She takes little credit for her own intense struggles and tenacity in the face of adversity but is comes forward to give a nod to the will of the people if it comes and is ready to take any challenge if required.

What a towering leader!

C.G. Rishikesh, Chennai


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