Friday 16 November 2012

Mandalay to face rice shortage

Mandalay to face rice shortage

Mandalay Region in central Myanmar is likely to face rice shortage by the end of this year as lesser rainfall forced farmers to replace paddy with other crops such as peanut, green peas and other beans, according to sources.

The local authority has assigned more than 600,000 acres (around 242,811 hectares) for rice cultivation this year, said the country's agricultural sources. However, farmers only used 100,000 acres to grow paddy.

"Authorities tried their best to expand the rice cultivation areas to maintain food security in the region. But this year the bad weather hampers the rice production in the region," said an official from Mandalay Rice Traders' Association. "Mandalay is likely to face rice shortage."

Agriculturist San Yin said: "This year drought hits the whole central part of the country, causing rice shortage there."

Farmers have actually tried to replace other crops in the assigned rice plantation areas due to less precipitation, said one farmer from Patheingyi Township.





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