Friday 16 November 2012

NBF to submit federal bill to parliament

NBF to submit federal bill to parliament

The Nationalities Brotherhood Federation (NBF) will submit the federal bill to parliament, said Sai Saw Than Myint of the Shan Nationalities Democratic Party.

The bill was drafted based on constitutions from federal governments around the world as well as the Pinlon Agreement. The agreement, signed in 1947, created the Union of Burma that paved the way for independence from the British.

"The federal system is vital to the country. Our country is now practicing a union government system," said Saw Than Myint, adding that a federal system is not aimed at separating ethnic areas but to reduce the central government's control on national races.

He said many people, including ethnic armed forces, have realised that the federal system is necessary in achieving "internal peace", which is the foundation of a "democratic state".





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