Sunday, 7 July 2013

Gov’t and Wa group to hold talks in Wa-controlled area

Gov't and Wa group to hold talks in Wa-controlled area

Daily July7  Government and UWSA

External Relation Incharge of UWSA U Hsan Khon and a Chinese diplomat seen in a peace talk with government and KIO held in Myitgyina (Photo-Nay Tun Naing/EMG)

Myanmar's Union Peacemaking Work Committee and United Wa State Army (UWSA) would hold peace talk in Panghsang, committee member Ohn Myint told the Daily Eleven on Saturday.

Panghsang is the Wa headquarters.

"We are still negotiating. We have already said talks would be held. It was said that talks were suspended but the date has not been set," Ohn Myint said.

Committee Vice Chairman Thein Zaw, who always took part in the previous talks with the ethnic Wa would lead the government delegation to Panghsang.

"We will go there (the Wa side) for talks. The ongoing problems are not serious," he commented.

UWSA spokesman Aung Myint told the Daily Eleven on Thursday that he believed the tension between the Wa and government would be defused.

He also said they had received an offer of talks from the government while Ohn Myint rejected the suspension of talks by the UWSA, saying it as a rumour.

Tension had mounted after the government army occupied a rubber plantation owned by UWSA in Mongyun sub-township, Tachilek district, southern Shan state, in May. The army also reportedly demanded that the Wa to make a list of the number of its outposts and move some of them.

According to the UWSA spokesman, the talk might take place on July 11 but the venue was not known.


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