Sunday, 7 July 2013

Myanmar doctors condemn business plan on the medical association's land

Myanmar doctors condemn business plan on the medical association's land

Members of Myanmar Medical Association (MMA), including medical doctors, have condemned a plan to use the land and building owned by the MMA for commercial purpose.

The Shangri-La Group is now in discussion with the executive committee members of MMA to carry out the initiative.

According to reports, a local company, Asia World, is supporting the Shangri-La Group for the plan. 

In fact, the MMA building belongs to all members of MMA, not only to its executive committee members. 

The executive committee members have asked the Shangri-La Group to get 160,000 sq ft at least to be their own in the building project, including meeting rooms, conference rooms, training rooms, press rooms and media rooms, according to Prof. Dr. Myint Thaung, a member of the executive committee of MMA. 

However, the request has yet to be finalized. 

"Since this business plan is under BOT system, the MMA will be the owner of the whole building after next fifty years. Every profit getting from it will be used for the interests of the MMA and the public," said Prof. Dr. Myint Thaung. 

A press conference was held yesterday at the Royal Rose Restaurant, in Yangon by the Committee (temporary) to denounce the business plan on the land of MMA and its building. 

"According to the basic guidelines of the MMA (2009), the financial policy of the association says it shall not do any business with either foreign or local companies," Dr. Maung Maung Soe, the secretary of the Committee (temporary) said during the press conference. 

Not only the MMA members, but also other medical practitioners in Myanmar showed their protest against the plan. 

Many medical doctors attending the press conference strongly condemned the plan. They disagreed with any commercial business doing on the MMA's owned building. They said that the building ought to belong to the medical doctors only. 

The members of Committee (temporary) have also asked to re-elect members  for the executive committee during the press conference.  

Dr. Kyaw Myint Naing, the current chairperson of the MMA has been serving since 2006. He has the longest service years for the MMA as a chairperson.


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